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We are also in the process of negotiating for our members who are with us during HAJJ SEASON to make HAJJ with the SUDANESE delegation fulfilling our sacred rites performing HAJJ. This will be much, much less expensive. Making HAJJ from the U.S has become too expensive due its distance in which the vast majority of diasporic Muslims will never have that opportunity to fulfill that sacred rite. The Average price from the U.S to make Hajj is between $5000-$10,000. Insha’Allah and seeing that our members are already in Sudan at the time of Hajj the price will be between $500 and $1000 because of the short distance between Arabia and Sudan and only between them is the blessed Red Sea. Look at the savings here. Most Sudanese already speak a relatively good amount of English, traveling with them on Hajj in Arabia where ARABIC is the official language will be a great advantage for English speaking diasporic Muslims with our group etc.

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